Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Sunday Guilties

So, as many of you know, we are putting in a sport court in our backyard. We have ripped out the garden, some grass, a bunch of sprinklers, and our beloved sand box. The concrete goes from fence to fence (East to West). I am so excited for all of the family fun we will have on it. Not to mention the future parties teenagers will enjoy at our house. . . where Michael and I can keep track of them! So I am feeling fairly warm and squishy inside about the whole thing. Well, that all changed during Relief Society on Sunday.

So, our lesson is on "Being Prepared." You know, the classic food storage, self sufficientcy stuff that you hear over and over again. I was listening intently thinking about how I really should make more of an effort to increase our food storage when a bolt of lighting strikes . .. well, at least it felt that way. What do they say, but how important having a garden is. Did they say, garden? I ask myself. Yes! Slowly I start thinking about how it is really no big deal about not having my own personal garden for I live in farm country and their are farms all over the place to buy fresh produce from. And, golly they sure can grow it better than I can. Of course you can imagine how the next comment was made that we can't depend on farmers in the area to get our produce from. Haven't we all seen the death of farms as new construction pushes farmers out and subdivisions in?

Dang, that means that my feel good back up plan has been axed too. So, I silently slip into the guilties. It gets better, however, for the lady sitting next to me, elbows me and loudly interrupts the lesson to say, "So, Shauna, nice concrete!" I felt myself turn red and sink into my chair. I tried to rebound quickly by raising my hand and declaring, "Does anyone else here have those horrible Sunday guilties? Please ease my pain over the concrete slab that now rests atop my garden!"

Women in the room immediately start telling me ways in which I am growing a garden. A garden "of children." I guess it was supposed to make me feel all better inside; but really, it just made me want to go home and take a long nap. Sigh . . .


Eliza said...

Shauna, I LOVE how you tell stories! You are the bestest ever. And I think your sports court is a great idea. A family that sport-courts together stays together :-D

RCH said...

Hey, sometimes you have to choose between a good thing and a good thing; I think this is one of those times. Sure, we're supposed to have gardens and bla bla bla -- but we're also supposed to raise up righteous seed (ha, ha) unto the Lord, right? Both good things. I think one of them is better, though. *Wink, wink!* So no more guilties for you!

Plus, I think that if a disaster hit and you couldn't make it to (or afford) the local produce stand or the grocery store, you've built up way more than enough good karma to get you through the rough patch. :-)