Monday, September 17, 2007

How to quickly embarass your child

So, on Saturday afternoon Meghan accompanied me to the grocery store for my bi-weekly shopping extravaganza. While checking out, one of Bowman's regular bag boys, Brian, helped us bag our groceries. He has helped me on many occasions before including one time when Marta Pinto was here. (She asked Brian if he had served a mission yet . . . he told her he was still in high school. She told him that if he were to be called to Brasil, that she would take care of him and cook him amazing meals . . .which I do not doubt.) Anyway, as you can see . . . I have had many a conversation with, Brian.

While we were loading groceries in the back of the van, Brian said, "Can I call you Pam? You look like a Pam to me." I told him that he could call me Pam; but, that my name was actually Shauna. I then proceded to tell him that my close friends call me "Hot Shauna." It was at this point that I saw Meghan turn red and head straight for the front seat. As Brian was walking back to the store, he turned around and yelled, "Hey, Hot Shauna, great pants." I exclaimed, "They're 'HOT' aren't they?" Meghan gasped from inside the van and said, "Mother, you are so embarassing!"


RCH said...

LMAO! That's an awesome story. :-)

anna jo said...

that is pretty embarrassing.