Sunday, September 16, 2007

Tag, again by Megster

Ten years ago, living at my grandparents house as a little baby most likely crying for my mother

Five years ago, I was in kindergarten loving school

One year, helping my mom while she was on "restrictated activity"

Yesterday, I went to my brother and friends soccer games and played with my friend

Things I heart, being apprieciated, school,friends,sewing, reading

Five bad habits, plucking my eybrows and nose, eavsdropping, leaving clothes on the floor and not in my laundry basket (my mom mentioned this one), pestering(my mom also mentioned), worrying

Five things I hate, getting sick, mice, rollercoasters, people not apprieciating me, worrying

What I would do if I had a 100$ million dollars, buy tons of books,clothes, put most of it in a savings account for mission/college/later on in life

Five places I would run off to, Europe, New York, Holland, Conneticut, Canada

Now it is somebody elses turn!
The Megster!

1 comment:

anna jo said...

meghan, you're such a little blogger! I love it. you should just get your own blog! two of my nephews, who are about your age, both have their own blogs.

check them out:

